Thursday, August 14, 2008

I Am a Conservative

This was written by a friend of mine named John. John is an artist and writer from Minneapolis. This is cross-posted at my Round Circle Blogspot along with more verbage.

Hi Joe,

Here's the piece I was telling you about.

Attach any additions that you think of to the following list and
continue to forward it to your friends. You can also send it back to
me. I'm interested to see what other people might add.

If you know anyone that shoots YouTube videos, I think that it could
make a great video with people standing up and declaring that "I am a
conservative..." and re-framing the definition by context.



Conservative: tending or disposed to maintain existing views,
conditions, or institutions : traditional b: marked by moderation or
caution, a conservative estimate marked by or relating to
traditional norms of taste, elegance, style, or manners

I am a conservative...I believe in the conservation of the freedom of assembly.

I am a conservative...I believe in the conservation of the freedom of speech.

I am a conservative...I believe in the conservation of the freedom of the press.

I am a conservative...I believe in the conservation of the right to privacy.

I am a conservative...I believe in the conservation of the right of
due process.

I am a conservative...I believe in the conservation of civil liberties
and rights granted under the constitution.

I am a conservative...I believe in the conservation of small businesses.

I am a conservative...I believe in the conservation of natural resources.

I am a conservative...I believe in the conservation of quality education.

I am a conservative...I believe in the conservation of the family farm.

I am a conservative...I believe in conserving the separation between
church and state.

I am a conservative...I believe in conserving a woman's right to choose.

I am a conservative...I believe in conserving the middle class.

I am a conservative...I believe in conserving representation for taxpayers.

I am a conservative...I believe in conserving cultural diversity.


Chuck said...

good one, Spado

deuddersun said...

I am a Conservative...I believe in conserving our military forces for the time when they will really be needed.
